Gut, Liver and Skin Health with Charlotte Tiffany.

Because everyone is different, naturally...

07850 540701

Transforming Your Health from the Inside Out!
If you tired of feeling sluggish, dealing with digestive issues, and struggling to maintain a healthy weight, then it's time to tap into the incredible power of gut health!

Charlotte will guide you towards a more balanced well-being.

Why is gut health so important, you may wonder? Your gut is not just responsible for digestion; it plays a crucial role in your overall health. It acts as the control centre of your immune system, affects nutrient absorption, influences mood regulation, and even impacts your skin health. Taking care of your gut can lead to transformative improvements in every aspect of your life.

Here are some of the amazing benefits that come with a healthy gut:

Enhanced Digestion and Nutrient Absorption: A well-functioning gut allows your body to efficiently break down food and absorb essential nutrients. This means you'll feel lighter after meals, experience fewer bouts of bloating or gas, and enjoy renewed energy as your body receives the fuel it needs.

Boosted Immune System: Did you know that 70% of your immune system resides in your gut? By maintaining a healthy gut, you strengthen your body's natural defence against harmful pathogens and decrease the likelihood of developing allergies and autoimmune conditions. Modulating your gut health can help you stay vibrant and disease free!

Mood Regulation and Mental Clarity: Believe it or not, your gut and brain are intimately connected through what scientists call the "gut-brain axis." By maintaining a balanced gut microbiome, you can enjoy better emotional well-being, reduced anxiety and depression symptoms, sharper cognitive function, and improved sleep patterns. A happy gut means a happy mind!

Weight Management and Metabolism Optimisation: Struggling to shed those extra pounds that just won't budge? Your gut health might hold the key. Studies have shown that an imbalance in gut bacteria can contribute to weight gain and metabolic disorders. By restoring gut health, you'll experience an increased metabolism, better appetite regulation, and a more efficient fat-burning process.

Glowing Skin: Your gut health directly affects the appearance of your skin. Acne, eczema, and other skin conditions often originate from imbalances within the gut. By nourishing your gut, you can unlock the secrets to radiant, blemish-free skin, and restore your natural glow from within.

Charlotte offers a comprehensive range of solutions to help you achieve a balanced gut health. Charlotte is an experienced professional Naturopath of 15 years, who will guide you through personalised nutrition support, targeted supplements if required, herbal support and lifestyle modifications that are tailored to your individual needs.

Contact Charlotte to schedule your initial free discovery call or book in for a consultation. Your gut will thank you – and so will your whole body!

Charlotte works with Babies, Children and Adults.

Patients are supported with Organic Wild Crafted Herbs, Organic Medicinal Mushrooms, Nutrition Support, DNA Analysis, Laboratory Testing, Gut Lab Testing, and Adrenal Stress Testing.

What is Naturopathy?

Naturopathy is a multi faceted approach to disease prevention and management. It is based on the Natural Cure Philosophy. It works focusing on prevention and uses non-toxic, natural therapies to assist your body's own self healing mechanisms. As a holistic approach to health its aim is to promote and restore health by using various natural treatment approaches that may include; naturopathic nutrition, lifestyle advice, herbal medicine, Biochemic tissue salts, Iridology, homeopathy, flower essences and hydrotherapy. 

How can Naturopathy help me?

The role of the Naturopath is to recognise and remove the obstruction to the healing process. A Naturopath will;

- treat the underlying cause of illness, not just the symptoms.

- treat the whole person.

- educate the patient about the illness and about health.

- show the patient how best to take care of themselves.

- develop strategies to maintain good health.

Naturopathy can help with issues like:

  • Emotional Disorders; anxiety, stress, depression, insomnia, unresolved grief and emotional imbalances, fears, low self esteem, anger management issues, panic attacks, bi polar.

  • Skin conditions; eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, warts, dry skin.

  • Allergic conditions; hay fever, asthma.

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.

  • Blood pressure issues.

  • Cholesterol issues.

  • Pregnancy and labour; nausea, swelling, post natal depression, miscarriage, breast feeding, mastitis, worry of labour.

  • Digestive disorders; irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhoea, heartburn, acid reflux, gut permeability/leaky gut, weight issues, gluten intolerances, diabetes.

  • Hormonal disorders PMT, fertility issues for both male and females, menopause, Heavy periods, painful periods, absent periods, fibroids, endometriosis. Headaches & migraines.

  • Musco-skeletal problems arthritis, gout, back pain, fractures, rheumatoid arthritis, sports injuries.

  • Support after surgery to aid in scar tissue repair and to achieve a speedy recovery.

  • Childhood issues: teething, recurrent coughs and colds, fevers, ear infections, ADHD, Autism, ADD, croup, bedwetting, tonsillitis, temper tantrums, learning difficulties, shyness, sleep issues, childhood obesity,

  • To name but a few....

Naturopathy can be very effective in treating chronic long term ailments as well as acute short term conditions. Adults, children and babies can certainly benefit from using a naturopathic approach to their health. It is a safe, natural and non addictive system of healthcare.

Naturopathy can be used safely during pregnancy when conventional medicine has the potential to be contraindicated. Ailments during pregnancy can be treated with Naturopathy free from the worry of harming the baby or mother to be.

Naturopathy can be used alongside conventional medicine. On no account would you be asked to stop taking your medication whilst seeing the Bubblecuddle Naturopath.